About Me

Nicole new head shot Nov. 2012Rev. Nicole M. Havelka

I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic, or so my family always told me when I was growing up. I channeled that energy into theater and journalism as a young adult. After working as a newspaper reporter for about 5 years, I felt a yearning for a different way, a higher sense of purpose for my life’s work. That’s when God called me back to the church. I was a recovering Roman Catholic at that point and had stumbled my way into the United Church of Christ in my mid-20s.

That’s when everything changed.

After struggling for months to find a new job that would fit this new sense of purpose, I finally threw my hands up in exasperation and asked God, “Fine. What do YOU want me to do?” The answer came from a randomly selected, but well-known passage of scripture, “When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5: 11) Soon after that early-morning conversation with God, I dropped my nets (well … my journalism career) and followed the call to Chicago Theological Seminary, where I earned my M.Div. degree in 2004. I was  ordained that same year into Christian ministry in the United Church of Christ.

I have retained my innate sense of the dramatic and passion for creativity. I think the church (and the world) really needs creative thinking to imagine a new reality — one that is more faithful, more exciting, more dynamic and connected to the world. I attempt, in this blog, to open up space for that kind of creative conversation. I combine my interests in yoga, theater, movies, television and pop culture of all kinds. I reflect on current issues, social media and all kinds of places where I see God’s new thing springing forth. I weave all these things into the tapestry of the Christian liturgical year.

Join me on that journey of discovery. We just might be able to recognize that “new thing.” Together.

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2 responses

27 01 2015

I am a recovered(ing) Catholic, now UCC member and pleased to discover your blog.

30 01 2015

Glad you found your way here, Mona.

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